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COCKROACH Prevention is essential for Securing Health

Cockroaches are problematic and feared pests. Cockroaches are a nuisance that can cause a great deal of discomfort and contaminate the homes of their occupants. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), they are "unhygienic and can be a scavenger of human settlements." Here are the facts on the health risks they pose and the best ways to avoid them from happening.

Are Cockroaches a threat to human health?

Cockroaches can pose a number of dangers for your family and home. Cockroaches are known to transmit pathogens and trigger disease. They also can trigger various health issues. The National Pest Management Association estimates that cockroaches live in between 78 and 98% of homes in urban areas. Cockroaches thrive when temperatures are above 70 degrees. This is the reason they are commonly located in the American South as well as warmer regions around the globe.

Food Contamination & Food Poisoning

Roaches carry 33 kinds of harmful bacteria and pathogens in their bodies. This is because they scurry through garbage, feces, and other waste in order to access food sources. The pathogens could be transmitted to food items by infecting it. E. coli and salmonella are only a few of the pathogens they carry. The ingestion of these bacteria could cause food poisoning or other gastrointestinal diseases. Infections of the digestive system can trigger diarrhea that is bloody stomach cramps, stomach pain, and stomach cramps, and vomiting. The symptoms may last for a number of days.


Cockroaches can cause allergic reactions. Cockroaches can trigger allergic reactions due to their saliva, exoskeletons that shed, and droppings, as along with other substances. They can trigger numerous reactions in health-sensitive or immunocompromised individuals. If they come into contact with the skin, cockroaches may cause skin reactions, such as itching. While they do not bite, the spines on their legs can scratch or abrade skin on the surface, causing allergic reactions or infections.


While cockroaches aren't an asthma trigger, however, their allergens and toxins can trigger asthma attacks. If the cockroach's waste remains in the air of your home and air, it could trigger asthma-related symptoms like difficulty breathing and a sensitive respiratory system.

Other Cockroach Diseases

The research of the past has revealed that cockroaches also be carriers of other harmful diseases, such as:

Dysentery: An intestinal infection that is severe, that can lead to fever and bloody diarrhea.

Typhoid Fever: Typhoid is a disease caused by contamination with salmonella. It can trigger an increase in temperature, stomach pain constipation, diarrhea, or stomach pain

How to deal with cockroaches

An individual homeowner can take measures to stop or get rid of the cockroach problem. It's possible to do this by keeping your house clean particularly when cooking.

There are four major species of cockroaches that you need to be aware of:
American cockroaches (German), Oriental cockroaches (Oriental cockroaches), and Brown-banded German cockroaches. They range in shades ranging from reddish-brown to black and are mostly night-time nocturnal. They are able to hide in dark crevices and corners and also hide away from bright light. While you might not be able to spot them right away, they are worthy of attention. Vishwas Home Care expert technicians can help you get rid of the cockroaches.

call us to know more: 9606888221

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At Home Care, we’re passionate about science. That’s why we partner with the top pest control experts and entomologists to understand bugs and help educate the world’s future scientists, our children, with fun and interactive resources to get them engaged.
